
Goal 10

Strengthen forest governance, transparency, and the rule of law while empowering and recognizing the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, women, and youth, especially the rights pertaining to their lands and resources.

Key Messages

Progress in forest governance continues to be slow. Weak legal frameworks and institutions continue to pose significant challenges to forest protection in tropical forest countries.

Improvements in halting corruption and improving enforcement have also been limited. Illegalities continue to drive deforestation, especially where commercial agriculture is causing forest conversion.

While policies continue to be adopted to safeguard the participation of non-state actors in decision-making as well as their access to information, it is unclear how effectively they are being implemented.

While the recognition of the rights of Indigenous peoples and other local communities to their lands and resources has improved internationally, a significant share of community lands remains unrecognized by national laws.

Further Resources

Forest governance - Progress since 2014
2020 Goal 10 assessment
2019 Goal 10 assessment
2018 Goal 10 assessment
2017 Goal 10 assessment
2016 Goals 1-10 assessments
2015 Goal 10 assessment