
Goal 6

Support the implementation of actions to achieve forest targets within the Sustainable Development Goals.

Key Messages

The original aim of Goal 6 - to include ambitious, quantitative forest conservation and restoration targets for 2030 in the post-2020 sustainable development framework - has been achieved through the inclusion of forests in the targets and indicators of the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by United Nations’ member states in 2015.

SDG 15 is reported on a global basis annually and countries can submit national reviews on the progress and challenges they face on a voluntary basis. However, countries face several challenges regarding their capacity to report and evaluate SDG targets.

The future of targets 15.1. and 15.2. is unclear - both targets expire in 2020.

Further Resources

2020 Goal 6 assessment
2019 Goal 6 assessment
2018 Goal 6 assessment
2017 Goal 6 assessment
2016 Goals 1-10 assessments
2015 Goal 6 assessment