
Goal 9

Reward countries and jurisdictions that, by taking action, reduce forest emissions and conserve and enhance forests – particularly through public policies to scale-up payments for verified emission reductions and private-sector sourcing of commodities.

Key Messages

Nearly USD 4.7 billion of results-based finance for forests have been committed by bilateral or multilateral sources since 2010.

Over the last two years, disbursement of results-based finance has seen significant growth, with between USD 230-260 million being disbursed annually. This means that 40 percent of commitments have now been disbursed.

Out of the 18 countries in the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility’s Carbon Fund, only four have advanced to signing Emission Reductions Payment Agreements (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, Chile, and Ghana).

Finance channeled to forests through carbon markets is significant in volume; equal to USD 2.5 billion over the last 20 years.

Private-sector demand for forest carbon credits is gaining momentum; however, it is unclear how the COVID-19 outbreak will impact this demand.

Many domestic compliance schemes allow the use of carbon credits from forest projects or programs.

Further Resources

Forest rewards - Progress since 2014
2020 Goal 9 assessment
2019 Goal 9 assessment
2018 Goal 9 assessment
2017 Goal 9 assessment
2016 Goals 1-10 assessments
2015 Goal 9 assessment