
2017 Goal 10 assessment

Published: October 1, 2017

Key Messages

  • New data from Global Witness shows a record number of killings of people who tried to defend their land or the environment against industries in 2016: 182. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples has been taking steps to highlight the issue, and is expected to release a special report next year.
  • There has been encouraging progress on policy frameworks for forest governance in many timber-producing countries, particularly in the context of Voluntary Partnership Agreements established under the European Union’s Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan.
  • A number of consumer countries have strengthened legal frameworks and enforcement actions aimed at restricting imports of illegal timber products. Notable developments include the entry into force of the Clean Wood Act in Japan, the new legal framework to control illegal logging in South Korea, and the recently adopted Malaysian Import Legality Regulation.
  • There have been a number of positive developments in providing financial resources for the recognition of tenure rights of indigenous peoples and local communities. Nonetheless, overall financing falls short, with only 10 percent of climate finance reaching the local level in 2016.

Further Resources

2017 Goal 10 assessment
2017 Goal 10 assessment [Low Resolution]
2017 Goal 10 assessment [Low Resolution]