
Forest rewards - Progress since 2014

Published: February 1, 2022

Increased finance and collaboration are key to reaching a positive tipping point for forest finance.

  • The private sector must scale up its investments in conservation, restoration, and sustainable forest use efforts to achieve forest goals while ensuring the environmental and social integrity of underlying activities, utilizing tools such as the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative.
  • Developed country governments should develop and fund additional mechanisms to complement results-based finance with up-front investments for REDD+ implementation.
  • Forest country governments should complement direct investments in forests with wider fiscal reform, redirecting harmful subsidies into forest positive activities.
  • All stakeholders should commit to transparency and communication in setting global carbon prices to ensure that the carbon prices for forest and land use projects are sufficient to meet Paris Agreement objectives; and should explore how REDD+ program and reporting requirements could be modified to enable participation in crediting standards and international compliance markets.

Further Resources

Forest rewards - Progress since 2014
Forest rewards - Progress since 2014 [Low Resolution]
Forest rewards - Progress since 2014 [Low Resolution]